Download photos and videos from Telegram to your computer

The most convenient way to save photos and videos from Telegram to your computer

After noisy parties, celebrations with family or traveling with friends, everyone wants to share their photos and videos. One of the most successful exchange tools today is Telegram's chat.

You can use another messenger, like WhatsApp or Viber. But it is believed that Telegram is better for sharing images, without compressing them too much. Therefore, you can be sure of the quality of the photos and videos you will receive. This is important when viewing on a large screen, if you want to print them or post them on social networks. It is also important that Telegram is quite popular and almost everyone has it.

Next, we will talk about how to simplify this task for yourself once and for all.

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Why download photos and videos from Telegram automatically?

Downloading photos and videos from Telegram takes time and effort. But if you do not save and sort everything as you go along, these memories will most likely be irretrievably lost after a while.

If you don't want to:

  • Download photos manually
  • Monitor the chat as it updates with new photos of participants that appear at different times
  • Wasting time saving images or videos over and over again
  • Keep track of what's already been saved and what you don't have

But you want to finish the job... Then use the Tonfotos program.

Tonfotos will help you save the shots that will remind you of important events, relieving you of the hassle of downloading photos and videos from Telegram to your archive.

Tonfotos helps you quickly navigate through a large number of photos and view them with ease. The program is intuitive, convenient and free.

Tonfotos Telegram Automatic Download function

When connected to your Telegram account, Tonfotos checks for new photos and videos in the chats every few minutes.

If it finds any, it downloads them and neatly arranges them in folders.

For your convenience, the folder will have the same name as the chat they were downloaded from. If you and your friends created a chat "Paris 2022" and exchanged photos and videos from the trip there, then on your computer they will be in a folder with the same name - "Paris 2022".

Tonfotos will download only what you need

You do not have to worry that the program will download a lot of extra stuff. Tonfotos only saves photos and videos from small chats and conversations with specific people. Public chats, where there are many users, the program regards as a source of spam and does not litter your archive with memes, funny videos or advertisements.

To avoid duplication, videos and photos sent by you (and not to you) are not saved by the program, because they are in the photo gallery of your phone in full quality already. You've probably already configured a different download method for them. And if not, Tonfotos has a handy feature to make it easier to download your own photos and videos from your phone for you.

Activating function of automatic download of photos and videos from Telegram in Tonfotos app

Setting up automatic download from Telegram

  • Open the dialog “Library Locations” in the Tonfotos application menu
  • Press the "Login to Telegram..." button
  • Enter the phone number to which your Telegram account is linked and press "Submit"
  • Wait until the confirmation code from Telegram arrives
  • Enter it and press "Confirm"

That is it, the connection is established.

What will happen after connecting Tonfotos

To begin with, Tonfotos will download and sort into folders all photos and videos sent to Telegram chats in the last 30 days. Surely you have accumulated images that need to be downloaded to your computer. Let Tonfotos automatically structure and save them for you.

Subsequently, Tonfotos will regularly connect to Telegram, download only new photos and videos, and neatly organize them into folders. And you get to choose:

  • which ones to leave
  • which ones to remove
  • which ones to move to other folders,
  • from which photos to make a selection using the “Albums” function,
  • what shots to show to friends or relatives who came to visit as an animated slide show, while commenting on the events.

Forget about manual downloads

Set up automatic downloading of photos and videos from Telegram chats to your computer using Tonfotos once, and you will no longer lose important items in the messenger feed. The program will save impressions from all your kids' activities, family trips to the country and travel, without extra effort or wasting time. Now you will not miss a single stage of your children and grandchildren's progress!

The Tonfotos program with its simple and intuitive interface helps you navigate a large media library and allows you to conveniently view photos and videos.

Download Tonfotos